It’s a new year!
This year I’ve decided to try my best to better myself. I’ve come to terms with my bipolar diagnosis and I’m currently on medical leave, working on myself through an intensive outpatient program that specializes in mental health. It’s going fairly well I think, I’m learning a lot – and processing a lot.
I’ve taken up journaling to document emotions I didn’t know I had. You’d think it’d be fun since I’m a writer, but it’s pretty intense. I’ve written some deep stuff, and some cool stuff. My goal is to start sharing some of the things I write in there, and engage myself more in writing overall as a form of therapy or meditation or what have you.
Because of that I’ve decided to once again, redo my website. This time I’m falling back on my old pal WordPress. I’m currently working out all the kinks and pages and designs and whatnot. At any rate, I’m really excited to start writing again, and even moreso excited to once again start blogging.
Here’s to it. It’s a new year and with any luck a new (and better) me!